As I was praying today, I could hear the Holy Spirit speak to my mind. I felt the prompt to tell you all: Do not explain away God’s blessings with your eyes set on “impossibles”. There are no “impossibles” with God when it comes to what He promised.
As I write this, I am personally going through a mix of high-rise expectations together with some of the most unusual and hardest setbacks I have ever experienced. However, I refuse to submit my expectations in God to any setback of any origin.
I declare today that my reality is in God, and that God’s timing to bless is always on, and that the new thing I can expect is the fulfillment of God promises of old in my lifetime.
I believe, and so I declare.
The Holy Spirit has been pointing my mind to these issues, that although sound very logical, are actually grounded on refurbishing unbelief
Be real.
Grounded in reality.
Let’s be real.
No doubt, well intentioned friends and family, or church leaders have told you the above. Maybe more than once. Maybe many times.
In short, that means to submit your expectation to your world reality. A reality, it seems, according to those well-meaning folks, from which you cannot escape. It seems that whatever happens to you or around you, you must be content because that is your reality.
But listen to this: You are meant to abide in a higher reality, the reality of heaven, because you have believed in Jesus, Jesus is in you and where Jesus is there is heaven. So, you can expect to experience a higher level of reality through the Holy Spirit.
So, you were expecting something that did not materialize in the time fram you thought it would, or it did, but it wasn’t like you have dreamed it. And then again, the well-meaning crowd shows up.
It is not God’s timing.
They seem to know better than anybody what God’s timing is, or what He has in mind. But at the end of the day, simply put the message is nearly the same as the one about reality.
Now, contentment is an admirable thing. However, if a false sense of contentment, stops you from advancing toward the destiny that God designed for you, if that “contentment” thing makes you stop trying, and abide in the misery of world reality, then that, my friend is not the godly kind of acceptance that God expects from us.
Don’t let the devil deceive you into stopping your advancement in the Kingdom making you believe that God has a capricious sense of timing and that He will play a game with your heart.
God is always ready to bless. Make yourself ready to be blessed.
This is a favorite one of the down-to-earth crowds. God has a new thing. Forget the old.
Now, let me be clear in this: God does not forget His promises! It does not matter how old, or how fresh they are.
I have heard so many not only unusual statements, but some totally counter to Bible teachings. Here are some of them:
The church failed, so I don’t go to church. I just pray and worship by myself when I feel it. Remember the “two or three” promise?
God, knows what I need, so no actual purpose in prayer: I just think good thoughts about my needs, and God should answer. Remember that thing about “Pray without Ceasing”?
The list can be long.
The problem is that in many cases the new thing is a way to adapt God to what I have decided He has to do, or how He has to do it. In other words, don’t try to cage the Holy Spirit.
And do not be tricked into missing God’s plan and purpose for you by following some ideas that are hellbent onto driving you away from the fulfillment you can only find in God established ways and purpose.
In any case, and ultimately so, the new thing that God is really into, the new thing that He wants us to discover and experience is not new for Him, it is rather new for many Christians in this age: It is the church triumphant, the Holy Spirit at work, the miracles the signs and wonders, the salvation by the thousands, the extension of the Kingdom of God JUST LIKE IN THE BOOK OF ACTS and BEYOND!
That is the new thing: The power of God experienced as our most real-reality, and God’s constant timing for blessing.
J. Conrad Lampan