Do Not Speak About Revival!

I was told not to speak about revival anymore. I was told that supernatural thing work in places like Latin America or Africa but not in the USA. The culture does not allow these revival things borderline superstitious. Just preach the Gospel they told me.
Preach the Gospel without the supernatural? Preach the Gospel without expecting revival? Preach the Gospel without letting the Holy Spirit do His work in full?
Come on! I have seen revival, I have seen countless salvations and miracles, restoration, transformation, recommintments. And you are asking me to forget all that and preach some kind of Gospel without the Good News?
How can I not expect revival?
I can tell you about things the Most High did while we were preaching revival.
I could tell you about John, in the south of England who run up a stairway to the sanctuary straight from his whelchair.
I could tell you of a tumor that fell off the face of an Ohio woman, leaving the place clear as if it was never there.
I could tell you about the lady in North Wales who recover the use of her hand twenty five years after she had a stroke.
I could tell you about the woman in NJ, whose platelets shoot up through prayer after struggling with a disease that depleted them.
I could tell you of the church in Indiana, where the pastor had to run to open the sanctuay every night because suddenly people were spontaneulsy showing up for prayer and worship.
I could tell you about a backsliden son of a pastor in the Midwest, himself a former minister, coming back to the Lord and recommiting to ministry.
No, don’t tell me not to speak of revival; don’t tell me not to speak of miracles, about the power of the Holy Spirit for salvation, for healing, for transformation.
My mind is full with the images, and my heart is full of joy, looking back to every day or night preaching, and simply telling folks that revival is possible, that reavival is real, that is to be pursued and expected.
My mind jumps to that mother and young daughter praying together at the altar, long after the service ended. And that young man shouting “I’m not leaving until God blesses me!”. And that woman dancing around in the former sinagogue after her welded knees were loosed by Jesus’ power. Or that lady, who suddenly recovered her sight on her one blind eye while going back home from church.
And that young woman, demonized, brought to the upper room church: She was delivered, she received Jesus, and was baptized in the Spirit all in a matter of minutes!
Come on! You keep your culture that won’t allow it, and I will keep preaching a Gospel of revival, expecting that the Holy Spirit will move while we lift up the Name!
The Name of Jesus!
Revival is in the heart of the Father.
Moving Toward a Move of God
J. Conrad Lampan




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