This is a prophetic-revival note written by Christopher Bennett
in the group “Ten Minute Prayer Initiative” in Facebook.
Great Expectations
Now wherever did that come from? As so often happens, I’m sitting in my favourite chair, supping my favourite coffee, when straight out of left field I hear, “Great Expectations”! I immediately googled Mr Dickens books but drew a rapid blank. So I asked the Lord what He was showing me?
“My people pray with little or no expectation. Why? Do I let them down so much or so badly that they’ve lost all belief that prayer works? No – it’s because, for the most part, their prayers are more like their shopping list of wants rather than any need in their life. When My people learn to pray in line with My Word and My will, then they can pray with great expectations of receiving everything they pray for and more.”
The Spirit then came upon me and I heard, ‘But watch & wait. God is not wringing his hands saying oh dear oh dear! No. He’s about to move on the remnant who have stayed faithful. Watch . . . He is about to answer their precious, selfless prayers.
His expectation is high and so should your expectation be high!
God will not be dishonoured by anyone, even less by His church. He is coming to clean up – clean up His Bride, clean up His enemies.
Revival is not pretty.
Revival is not neat and tidy.
Revival is not controllable.
It is raw, it is gutsy, it is messy, and it is glorious!
Revival is coming – indeed, it has started and it shall come to the UK & America and the whole world. It is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)
From my memories
May be an image of 5 people and text that says 'It's time for the church to turn the STAGE back into an ALTAR.'
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