Has the devil been teaching the church how to do spiritual warfare?

During our ministry trips, and in our local church as well, we always meet people who approach us asking sincere questions about spiritual warfare, deliverance, and effectivity in intercession.
One thing that becomes evident in many of those conversations is the lack of understanding or even basic knowledge about spiritual issues as related to demonic influence in individual lives and in society. As a result, there is always either fear to exercise spiritual authority, or worse, trying to use kingdom authority combined with methods more akin or directly taken from the new age and its surroundings.
There is -there has always been, but now more evident- a hunger for spiritual things; that hunger leads many to seek spiritual enlightenment and authority from whatever source is in offer. We see then, people of all walks of life, including faithful Christians, tapping into new age practices, and often times into witchcraft, in an effort to know the future, or possibly to obtain favor from the spiritual world toward their plans or projects.
As someone put it, it seems as if Satan himself has been teaching Christians about spiritual warfare.
When the above outlined process becomes the norm, what we see is a two-side situation: Either we become engaged -for the most part inadvertently- with demonic activity, or we depart from Scriptural source of authority and knowledge, and finally all our rants, and chants, and wording, and decrees and all other such, become the most ineffectual activity.
We have taught in the past, and seeing the need of the church in these uncertain times, we are offering again seminars and classes to train Christians to recognize the source of spiritual authority available to the church, and also to be able to identify that which is not from God.
The seminars include aspects of spiritual authority, and spiritual confrontation with the kingdom of darkness, working together with the Holy Spirit to lift Jesus over any and all situations of life that are tainted with darkness.
As you know, we have come from the Argentine revival, where we have experienced first-hand deliverance and spiritual warfare, done within an atmosphere created by God’s presence.
Please call us for more information, or if you would like to have us come and hold a seminar or a series of meetings, or a weekend of teaching about revival, and spiritual life when confronting the demonic.
J. Conrad Lampan
P.O. Box 3753
Silverdale, WA 98383



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