He Was Hit By Tongues

Following my new series of testimonies “New & Old” I want to share today about a meeting years ago in Olalla, WA at the home of the Proctors, good friends of us.

It was one of my first ministry opportunities in the area, and I was mesmerized when the house was literally packed inside and around the big deck.

We had an amazing worship time, and then I was able to share about revival, and about my experience in Argentina during the high peak of the revival there.

God was moving in such a big time, and many miracles happened that night. However, the focus today is on just one such Holy Spirit “happenstance”.

This young man came to the meeting at the insistence of his cousin who was a believer. He came, albeit reluctantly, and he did not like the worship, the prayers, and by the time I preached he just left.

Later on, he came back to the meeting. The reason was that when he left, he got lost (Now he was raised in that area and knew it well, yet he got lost), and the only place he could figure how to get to was the meeting he had left.

When he came back, we were already finishing, it was an altar time of sorts, with people being touched by the Holy Spirit all around the place. He came in and looked for his cousin, and when he found him, he went and stood by him. Later he shared how disturbed he was hearing people speaking in tongues; he though it was so weird. At that moment I was praying for people, but I never had the opportunity to pray for him because he just fell under God’s power.

While he was there on the floor, surrounded by people speaking in tongues loudly, he suddenly began to understand the tongues! He was now scared, but at the same time convicted by the Lord.

That night he became a believer in Jesus Christ.

Conrad Lampan

P.O. Box 3753





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