Move The Chairs That She May Run

I was ministering in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at a gathering with people from several churches. The organizers had rented a former synagogue for the meetings, and it had been so far an amazing time with the Holy Spirit working in so many lives.

On this particular night, I felt strongly the prompt of the Holy Spirit to remove all the chairs to the sides of the room, and just stay standing in the space that was now free.

People were worshipping, dancing, signing, lifting hands to heaven, and above all communing with the Holy Spirit as we all praised Jesus.

And then, like a boom! The power of heaven manifested as the Holy Spirit was working miracles. So many things happened that night. But I wanted to share one such miracle.

Suddenly, this lady started running around the room, with such joy and praise shouts; everybody was trying to make room for her to freely run.

What we did not know then, was that she was unable to walk without help, because she had had an operation on her knees that left her unable to actually bend the knees, so she was always walking like her legs were welded at her knee level.

When we were worshipping, she felt something unusual in her knees and legs, a mixture of heat and vibrations, as she described it, and realized her knees were literally released from what was binding them, and she was able to walk, and then run, and jump around worshipping Jesus who had just healed her.

It was in the end, as if the Holy Spirit prompted us to move all the chairs so this woman could run around.

So many times, all we need is to move out of our comfort zones and let the Holy Spirit hit us with heaven.

J. Conrad Lampan
P.O. Box 3753
Silverdale, WA 98383



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