Revival: God’s Reality

Last September i was blessed to participate of the Light the Fire Again event in Pensacola, which was organized by the Reinhard Bonke’s Christ for the Nations organization.

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda, who is a grad from the Brownsville School of Ministry was at the head of this event that aimed to gather the people that were in any way part of the mighty Brownsville Revival of the 90s.

It was amazing. Standing in the midst of that crowd of thousands, worshipping Jesus, lifting up His name, was absolutely mesmerizing. I cannot tell how many times I felt like melting down as tears rolled down my face.

This was not a reunion, though; it was a gathering looking forward to the future. God is on the move!

For me, it was like going back to the beginning. I lived through the several of the first years of the amazing Argentine revival -which is still going strong- and what I experienced in Pensacola last month was an almost daily experience in those years in Buenos Aires.

I have been refreshed. God showed how the Anointing is still on, and the call to revival is still valid. I am on the road again, with new strength and a refreshed vision: To tell churches that revival is a reality, that it is available, and that every church -as I like to call them “the local expressions of the Body of Christ”- has all that is needed to experience revival.

And let me be blunt: If you tell me that your experience tells you that it is an unrealistic expectation, I will ask you, What reality are you looking at? The Holy Spirit is more real that we are, and it His reality that counts.

Years ago, a “religious authority” visited us at our church and told me with a straight face that “the things that you preach about revival are possible in Latin America or Africa, but here in the United States, it is not possible because the culture will not allow it; brother you need to change your approach”. My answer: Brother, the culture itself changes when revival hits.

I have seen revival. I have seen the salvations, the miracles, the lives of many transformed, the families restored, addictions broken, freedom becoming the reality of so many who had been in chains of oppression or weighed down with depression and without hope.

Lord Jesus, I am ready. I am ready to go and tell all who would hear, that what many say is not possible is exactly what you died for. I believe in your reality and I expect your promises fulfilled. I dream of every church exploding with revival. I imagine seeing the nations on fire with the Holy Spirit.


Julio Conrado Lampan
Twitter: @conradlampan
Facebook: ConradLampan



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