The Eleventh Hour

I had a dream one night, back in Argentina, and interestingly enough the same dream came back while I was on a plane flying across the USA, heading to San Francisco.

In the dream, although there was sort of confusing detail about how things were developing, the big, central issue was that the Lord Jesus was on the way coming back and believers were beginning to fly up to meet with Him. It was pretty much the description of the Second Coming as described in the New Testament: The Lord Jesus will come in the air, and the believers will be caught up and meet Him in the air, and then go up to heaven with Him.

There were a couple of things that caught my attention. One was the kind of light; it was like a grey light -although I cannot define the color properly- not a bright resplendent light, but you could see everything with clarity. My first thought was to define it as cosmic light, the light that permeates the universe. (Side Note: I shared this dream with a relative, and he said something very interesting: Have you ever seen that color or that light in real life? I said, no. He said, then what you saw belongs to a higher reality that is not of this world. Wow!)

I did not see Jesus yet, but I knew that we were on the way up to meet Him, and I was -let’s say- over-joyously curious!

However, I looked down to the earth, and in spite of the distance I could clearly see people, some of them relatives, some other friends, and other people, who were staying behind because they were not saved.  They seemed to go about walking totally unaware of their eternal fate. My heart was sinking as I thought of them going to eternal damnation while those in the air were on the way to heaven.

Suddenly, I heard the voice of the Lord, very close to me, so much that it startled me, and I turned around to see who was talking. I did not see Him, but the voice was real. He said: “You can go back and preach, reach as many as you can, tell them about salvation and hell, tell them about God’s love, tell them about grace and forgiveness. Preach to them, compel them to come. But remember, you have only one hour.

I suddenly woke up, and I tell you, literally, I did not know where I was; it took me some time to transition from the dream that was so real, to this world still in need of salvation.

I then realized that the eleventh hour is real, it is a sobering reality that we do not have time to play and that we are responsible to bring the message of heaven to a world otherwise condemned.

As I was praying today, I remembered this dream. No doubt the Holy Spirit brought it to mind, for a reason at this very moment. We cannot change what God has already declare will happen at the end of time; however, we can pluck out from death as many as would hear our message and believe.

It is time. It is the Eleventh Hour.





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