They Went Out Of Their Way To Receive Us

Last week I was blessed to minister at two places in the states of Idaho and Montana. It was such a great time because of how the Holy Spirit moved. There were many close, intimate encounters with the Holy Spirit that brought change.

During the conference “Arise & Shine” at Living Waters Ranch in beautiful Challis, ID, God spoke directly to the hearts of many, including myself. When we made an altar call to seek more of the Holy Spirit and find guidance for the season that is beginning, a season of restoration that is starting with a mighty shift in the spiritual atmosphere, the altar was covered with people eager to commune with the Lord as He poured reassurance with a strong sense of His manifest presence.

Christopher James, who convened and organized the conference says: “Dear Conrad, The whole gathering was exceptional! You got us off to a great start with your message on “Restoration: Restored to the Place that Never Was”. Your Book on Kairos Times was such a timely read. Many who have been battered by the enemy, received encouragement and new direction for the times ahead”.

The next appointment was in Libby, MT, at Bridge of Hope church, with pastors Charlie and Judith Ellen Moody. It was an awesome time again in the presence of God. I brought basically the same message I had for the conference in ID, on Restoration, and on the reason for being of the Church. Again, when we made an altar call the first night, the place was covered with hungry people seeking intimacy with the Holy Spirit. It was so deep. I was getting antsy again, and “itching” to go about laying hands and sharing an impartation, but again the Holy Spirit told me to stay put. He literally said: “This is my own time with them that came to the altar”. People spent time with Him and the work was so deep, that some might not yet have realized all the changes that the Holy Spirit brought in.

Praise Jesus!!! It’s all about Him!

I want to make a note here, not a footnote but a rather key note.

We were so well received. I am so thankful for the way we were treated both in Challis, ID, and in Libby, MT. They went out of their way to make us feel welcome, and paid attention to so many details to make sure we were well cared for. Thanks Chris and Debbie James and Pastors Charlie and Judith Ellen Moody!

Now, I was travelling alone this time; so, why do I insist on saying WE?

I have been travelling for many years, ministering in many places around the world: In churches, conference venues, schools, and even BBQs! and I have learnt an important lesson. When the preacher is received and welcome the Holy Spirit is welcome too. After all, Jesus Himself said it: “If they receive you, they receive Me, and if they receive Me they receive the One Who sent Me”. What an amazing statement; but not simply a statement, for it is a mighty promise of heavenly action!

So, that is what I mean. When you receive the one who is sent to you by the Lord, the Holy Spirit is welcome, and He is at ease among you. That is what we experienced this past week. The Holy Spirit of God was at ease, with all freedom to work deep in the hearts of all who open up to Him through the Word of God preached.

We are waiting to hear more by way of testimonies, because what the Holy Spirit began last week is by no means a conference or weekend event only. What He started will go a long way, and I can prophesy now to those who opened their hearts at those altars, that even years from now you will see the results of the close encounter you had with the One who abides in eternity, but also makes eternity a matter of blessings in our daily lives.

Going For More!!

J. Conrad Lampan




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