This Happened To Me!

When the pastor came to you and asked you to share your testimony, did you feel threatened? Did you feel that you are not really prepared to go out and reach out to people? Were you concerned about how people would respond to your words or react to you?

You are not alone.

That is the experience of countless Christians who do not feel up to the task of reaching out to people, or openly witness to Jesus. No, it is not that they do not want to share Jesus: They actually want to, but there is always this feeling of inadequacy within them that comes to their minds in the form of “You Cannot Do it” or “You don’t have the preparation” or other such thoughts that undoubtedly the enemy will whisper to your ears.

However, how about this approach?

Were you in church last Sunday? Were you blessed in any way? Did you experience the Holy Spirit’ embrace? Did you feel Jesus’ love warming up your heart? Can you say: “I felt the presence of God as we worshipped”?

Say it!

There is no bigger testimony than that. I experienced God when I went to church on Sunday morning. A testimony does not have to be the account of a tremendous miracle, or manifold signs and wonders that had everyone wonder “what meaneth this?”.

God was there. God touched you. You felt His love. There you go. Say it. Share it. Tell everyone about it! In these days of so much of social media available, it is likely that you are at least on Facebook, maybe Twitter, or Instagram, or whatever other platform you use: That’s it! Use it to witness to the love of God, and share the love of God in your church family.

Just like that.

“It happened to me!” is the most powerful word of witness.

J. Conrad Lampan



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