Why Speak About The Fifties? Move on! Really?

It was the fifties. It was in Argentina. It was an unknown evangelist who could recognize the voice of God. For real.
And when he heard, he went.
And when he went, he went in the power of the Holy Spirit.
When I look at these pictures, I don’t see the past, I envision the future. Because when this man heard God’s voice he went, and when he went he did in the power of the Holy Spirit. And he arrived and was received by the church, and the marriage of expectations with promise, the sent with the ones to whom he was sent, they gave birth to revival.
The man was Tommy Hicks. The place was Argentina. An overflown stadium. And 200,000 souls added to the Kingdom in a short period.
I could tell you a lot more about that crusade, although I was not yet born. But I can tell you of all the people I was blessed to meet over the years, who actually were saved in that revival. I could tell you about how they went on to plant churches, and Bible colleges, and how they prepared the way for the massive revival that again, hit Argentina beginning in the eighties.
Millions saved. Millions healed. Families restored. Broken lives made anew. And miracles of all kinds still happening after nearly 30 years.
And you would tell me not to speak about revival? Even in my own frustrations, I will still shout it out: The revival is possible, that revival is waiting for us to embrace it. I have learned from the history of revivals, and I have seen it with my eyes, felt it in my skin, and I will not stop talking about it.

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